
Charitable gifts are generally not refundable. Refunds will be made in the event of a mistake or if the purpose for which the gift is given cannot be fulfilled by the Association. Individuals who receive refunds have the responsibility of correcting any tax filings they have made reflecting the refunded amount.

Event Registration

Unless otherwise stated in event registration or program website, the Shaheed Bhagat Singh College Alumni Association (SBSCAA) has no obligation to return or refund fees paid to participate in an event or program.

Registration Cancellation by Participant

Unless specifically stated on registration materials, refunds will not be available to registrants who choose to cancel their registration or choose not to attend an event.

Event Cancellation by SBSCAA

Refund process and Timeline

The refund procedure, if required, will be initiated within 48 hours once we receive your request. Once initiated, the amount will reflect in your bank account within 7-10 working days.

Transaction fee clause:-